A Florida series of all ages/skills skateboarding contests. We'll have full details with online registration ready soon. Join our mailing list at the bottom of the page to get The Boardr News and you'll be the first to know when signup is open. Additional events from The Boardr at
We're still lining up plans for a big ol' am series and all that, but while we figure that plan out, we went ahead and set up an easy one. We're proud to announce that Grind for Life has teamed up with us to bring an all ages and skills series contest to our home state of Florida this year. They're all street contests, but some will also have a bowl event at the stops that have one available. The Grind for Life Series in Association with The Boardr has five stops set at various parks all around the state. We'll have additional details and online sign-up ready to go soon, for now, here's the information on the confirmed stops so far.
Click on the link or picture to register.